
Roll bar platforms

Here are the frames for the platforms:

The frames welded into place:

Another angle:

Finished (well, this still needs to be fully welded) with some 1/8" plate on top:

Eventually the main roll bar hoop will mount across the top of these two platforms. Also, hopefully I'll be able to use the bottom of each platform as the upper mount point for each rear shock.

Why I couldn't finish welding... this thing is broke:

I noticed that when making some of my tack welds something was sounding a little funny, so I rechecked all the settings on the welder. When I went to check the gas flow rate, this gauge read zero (well, actually it read less than zero because the needle was bent and could go past the stop-- it looks like I must have whacked it at some point). There was definitely gas coming out of the weld nozzle-- and I could definitely adjust it-- but I can't set it to the correct rate. So, I'm thinking this thing must be broken. Hopefully it won't be too difficult to get a replacement.


The Rear End

Laying out the rear end... finally!

Building up from here:

It's not quite done yet, but this is a lot more progress than the 7 has seen in a while :)


It's hard to tell...

from this picture, but I've started to build the rear of the frame. Woohoo!