
The Shop

I need a place to build this thing... so I set myself up a workshop. Along the wall those are a couple of 4' x 2' tables.

In the forground is a 8' x 4' table that I'm going to build the frame on. It also doubles as a guest bed.

Check out my sweet new MIG welder...

...and my new welding helmet. Don't tread on me.

The beginning

So this is my 240sx. Don't be fooled-- this is its good side.

I'm going to turn it into something like this:

Edit (9/14/2006): No longer am I going to use any part of my 240 for the 7. Why? Well, let me break it down for you.
  • Engine - too heavy, too underpowered, too old.
  • Front wheel uprights/spindes - they're designed for a MacPherson strut setup. Since I'm going to make my own custom double wishbone suspension, I'd have to modify the upper mount on the spindle. Miata uprights will work great instead.
  • Rear wheel uprights - also are not going to be great for my custom built suspension. They have mounting points that come off at odd angles, and require compliance in the bushings for the suspension to travel correctly. Miata rear uprights will also work better.
  • Differential - it's open. I want a limited slip differential.
  • Steering - I'm not sure, but I'd imagine that the steering rack is going to be too wide to fit. It'll be easier to buy a new one.